Is Living in Italy Cheaper than the US?

Find out if it's cheaper to live in Italy or the US. Learn about the cost of living in Italy and what it's like to move abroad today.

Is Living in Italy Cheaper than the US?

The United States is 50% more expensive than Italy, so it's natural to wonder if it's cheaper to live in Italy or the US. Generally speaking, living in the United States is 34% more expensive than in Italy, with the only exceptions being clothing and gas. However, salaries in the United States are significantly higher than those in Italy, so expatriates who move to Italy and earn an American stipend can live comfortably and save money. So how much does it cost to live in Italy? After two years of living in Parma, Italy, we can share our values and information.

From transportation options to the design of a typical Italian apartment, life in Italy can be surprisingly affordable. This post will give you a clear idea of whether it's cheaper to live in Italy or the United States and what it's like to move abroad today. In short, if you earn money elsewhere (such as the United States) and then come to Italy, the cost of living will seem incredibly cheap as long as your standard of living isn't financed solely by a typical Italian salary.

Chester Torn
Chester Torn

Hardcore music junkie. Friendly thinker. Freelance web junkie. Unapologetic coffeeaholic. Professional zombieaholic. Avid coffee geek.

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